Natural Claws

Natural Claws
Cost: 0
Prereqs: Special
Skill Type:
Tagged: No
Purchase: Once
Duration: Constant

This skill allows the character to extend and retract sharp claws. The character must use approved LAIRE claws in combat dealing 1 point of damage with each blow. The claws are part of the character’s body and may not be coated with poison and doing so would poison the character. Even if the character were immune to the poison, the poison would be expended when applied. The character’s claws take damage and any damage dealt to the claws is taken from the character’s Body Points.

Damage Bonuses and special weapon attacks, like the Slay, Stun, Waylay, Assassinate, etc. skills, with the exception of the Speed skill and Inspire and Heroism spell songs, may not be used with the Natural Claws skill. However, the character’s Strength Bonus does add to the damage.

The prerequisite for this skill is being a member of a race that has claws. It is normally not available to characters outside these races

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